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Hawaiian Airlines Name Change- Fee, Policy, and Process

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Bad things happen even if we take great precautions. Thus it may also happen that you have got your name wrong on your Hawaiian Airlines ticket and as a result, you think of how to get it corrected. If that is your situation, the Hawaiian Airlines name change procedure will guide you to change your name on the flight ticket. However, you might also have to pay a name change, depending on the type of change required. 

What is Hawaiian Airlines Name Change Policy?

Hawaiian Airlines will enable travelers to make significant changes in their name, but they must be subject to a name change policy to process the changes. If you’re looking forward to modifying the name on your ticket, check out our Hawaiian Airlines Name Change Policy:

  • As per the TSA  guidelines, you can change or modify your name, but it must be the same as your government ID.
  • However, if you do not want any inconvenience, you alter your name before boarding.
  • Moreover, the airline knows that name change requests are genuine. That’s why it allows passengers to modify their names online on the official website of Hawaiian Airlines.
  • In addition, passengers should submit these documents to initiate the name change process as proof:
  • Updated Passport
  • Decree of Divorce
  • Marriage Certificates
  • Court Orders
  • Any other Legal Document

Types of Name Changes Hawaiian Airlines Allows

Hawaiian Airlines lets passengers change or correct their names under some specific rules. As per the TSA, the ticket’s name should be the same as the photo ID issued by the government. The different types of name change passengers can request from airlines:  

First / Middle/ Last Names:

Passengers can edit only three characters of their first, middle, or surname. The three-character restriction must not be confused with last, middle, and first names. Airlines may enforce a $150 name change fee. No price difference will apply.

Change of Nickname to Legal Name : 

As per legal considerations, flyers must submit a photo ID issued by the government to support a legal name change. However, tickets might be reserved in the same or higher class of service, depending upon the availability. However, the airline will charge a Hawaiian Airlines Name Change fee and any fare difference.

Inverted first/last name:

This counts in requests for name correction. After presenting the correct photo identification, you can complete the application process. However, the airline may charge a fee to change/correct the name.

Adding a Middle Name:

Flyers can only add a middle name to their airline ticket if their government ID allows it. The ticket will be rebooked to the same or higher class of tickets in these circumstances. However, the airline may charge a fee for name changes and fare differences.

Adding a Surname:

When passengers forget to add a surname on flight tickets, they may request a surname via the Hawaiian Airlines name change number (+1-800-367-5320). However, the name change fees and fare differences will apply.

Name Change Legally

Suppose an airline ticket needs a name change due to child adoption, marriage, divorce, or other legal issues. The airline may allow flying the new PNR while keeping the flight segments & service class as originally booked.

Hawaiian Miles Name Change

You can make the required changes to your Hawaiian Airlines account name for your tickets through your Miles profile.

The airline takes up to 2 weeks to complete/process the changes. The airline can ask for legal documentation for any name change request on a frequent flyer’s account (including nickname, marital status, military rank, title, suffix, misspelled names, inverted name change, etc.).

Terms and Conditions of Hawaiian Airlines Name Change

Although Hawaiian Airlines allows passengers to change and correct their misspelled names, it still imposes specific guidelines and conditions that flyers need to follow. These conditions enable passengers to streamline the change process. Here are the eligibility criteria that passengers need to follow to get their names changed or modified on their tickets.

  • You must have purchased the ticket directly from the airline if you want to make name changes.
  • These tickets must contain 13 digits as a code.  
  • The first three numbers on a ticket must start with 173. If your ticket doesn’t begin with the number 173, you must contact the airline.
  • You can change the name for marriage, adoption, or divorce reasons.
  • This policy allows you to modifications in your middle name as per requirement.
  • Passengers will be granted permission to convert nicknames to full names if they fulfill the criteria.

Important Note: There can be some exceptions to these conditions. As per Hawaiian Airlines’ Name Change policy, the requirements vary depending on a travel destination, ticket type, and class.

How to Change Name on Hawaiian Airlines’ Ticket?

If your name is incorrect on your ticket and you want to fix it, you can correct it by following the steps online or by phone. However, you can only modify your name up to 3 characters.


  • Firstly, go to and search ‘Find my Trip.’
  • Provide your last name and booking confirmation code in the corresponding field to retrieve your bookings.
  • After retrieving your booking, select the flight tickets you need to fix your name on them.
  • Then, modify the incorrect name with the right one.
  • Lastly, pay the change fee if applicable on the payment page.

More importantly, you can only change or correct your name 24 hours before the flight’s scheduled departure.  


The other name changes, like adding the middle/last name, legal name change because of Marriage/Divorce, Inverted Last name/First name, etc., can only be done on Hawaiian Airlines Name Change Phone Number, i.e., 1-800-367-5320.

  • Firstly, you need to dial the given customer service number, follow all the IVR instructions, and then press 9 to continue without any issue.
  • You will be connected to a representative, and tell them about your changes.
  • Then, please provide them with all the required information and supporting documents to complete your name correction process.
  • Lastly, they will fix your name on your behalf.  

Other Useful Link: Alaska Name Change Policy

Hawaiian Airline Name Change Fee

There will be a for modify your name on the Hawaiian ticket. Hawaiian also charges a fee for a similar service.

For example, if you bought a ticket from a third-party agency, you might need to pay a $25/ticket fee as a service charge. At the same time, name change fees are not eligible for flyers who have purchased the ticket on the airline’s official site within the first 24 hours of booking.

According to the Hawaiian Airline Name Correction Policy, the fee will vary according to the name correction type, as shown in the given table:

Name Change TypeFare DifferenceChange Fee
Legal Name ChangeYes$200
First/Middle/Last namesNo$150
Nickname to Legal nameYes$200
Inverted namesNo$150
Adding the Last nameYes$200
Adding Middle nameYes$200

Frequently Asked Questions 

How do I change my name on Hawaiian Airlines?

To make a name change/correction request, contact Hawaiian Airlines at +1-866-399-0587. In addition, provide all the supporting documentation when asked for. However, name correction may require a change fee.

Can I transfer my Hawaiian Airlines ticket to another person?

No, you cannot transfer your Hawaiian Ticket to other people. As tickets are non-transferable, the airline is not liable to pay any for the value of your ticket when given to another person.

Can I change a person’s name on a plane ticket?

No, you cannot change the name on your ticket to someone else’s name. As long as you travel, the airline has rules to fix any errors in your name.

How much does it cost to change a flight on Hawaiian Airlines?

If you bought your ticket on the airline’s official site and made changes within the first 24 hours of booking, the name change fee is not eligible. Beyond that, you may need to pay $150-$200 depending on the name change type plus the fare difference.

Can I make changes to my first name on Hawaiian Airlines?

Yes, you can make corrections to your first, middle, or last name up to three characters altogether. Moreover, you might also be charged a name change fee and fare difference. 

What is the Hawaiian Name Change Rule for Miles Holders?

You can make the necessary changes to your Hawaiian Airlines account name for your tickets through your Miles profile. However, Hawaiian Airlines takes up to 2 weeks to complete/process the changes. Also, you will be required to submit legal documentation for any name change request on a frequent flyer’s account. 

What is the legal name change fee on Hawaiian Airlines?

If you are making changes to your name within 24 hours of booking, no fee will be applicable. Yet, when the 24-hour window closes, Hawaiian Airlines will charge a name change per the type of changes required. Moreover, for a legal name change on Hawaiian Airlines, you will be charged $200 per ticket. 

Which documents should I submit for a name change on Hawaiian Airlines?

However, you will be required to submit certain documents while making changes to your name. The documents are;

  • Updated Passport
  • Decree of Divorce
  • Marriage Certificates
  • Court Orders
  • Any other Legal Documents.
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